Friday, May 8, 2009

A Perfect Spring Day in the Georgian Triangle

Monday May 4th was the most perfect spring day in and around the Georgian Triangle. What a shame Megan and I couldn't share it fully.
After dropping her at work I went to buy her something she needed from the Bulk Barn in Collingwood. The Bulk Barn is a large chain of stores that carry "lotsa goodies" in bulk at remarkable prices. I was flabbergasted and excited as I walked around the aisles. Not allowed to take photos, I managed to sneak one in just to give an idea for those who aren't familiar with them. (especially Aussies).Most aisles have long rows of 40 litre tubs "full" of a huge range of produce such as grains, flours, pre-made mixtures (cake etc), alllllllllllllllll kinds of chocolate, including monstrous chunks, sweets (lollies) of every known kind, and the list goes on. Droooooling yet? ;)
I made my large purchase ...... a bottle of pills for Megan. How's that for self control?

County Road 7 into Meaford and showing a part of Georgian Bay.

Making use of the perfect weather, I took my time driving back to Meaford via back roads. The scenery was fantastic and I happened to notice something that is not seen all that often I hear. A large Coast Guard vessel was cruising toward Meaford Harbour. I made my way there so I could see it arrive.

It was a beautiful day to be near the water and a delight to walk around the paths on the rock walls that form Meaford Harbour. It gave occasion to chat with a number of local residents of all ages as they also took advantage of the beautiful and still weather.

In the evening Megan and I dined with friends at the "Leeky Canoe" Pub and Eatery in Meaford.

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