Aye. It's a wee bonny town 'tis Fergus. Aye, and when I needed to wee we had a wee problem finding somewhere until we got to Breadalbane. No, not Breadalbane near Crookwell, but the Breadalbane Inn at the end of the main street of Fergus in Ontario.
Breadalbane Inn - Fergus, On
Fergus was founded when Adam Fergusson and partner James Webster bought 7,000 acres in 1833 and brought a group of Scottish settlers to create a community.

Fergus and Elora exhibit the same Scottish themes and traditions. It must have been an exciting time in 2008 when there were major celebrations organised for their 175th Anniversary.

Each year they hold what is claimed to be the leading Truck and family event in North America. They say there are row upon row of shining rigs and stall after stall of merchants selling truck parts and parafanalia. In 2007 the attendance was 60,000 people.

The Grand River flows through the town and on to Elora. It offers many opportunities to photograph it or use it as a secondary feature to your subject. If I take a photo and then later see it on a post card, I sometimes get annoyed that mine has been done a million times before but other times I feel, well I know a good shot when I see one! ;) (nb: I'm a definite amateur with only a $100 camera)

I didn't allow myself to see any post cards of Fergus so I don't know what I might have missed! The photo below chops off the top of the church as it wasn't the subject here. I have a shot of the church as the main subject and river in foreground BUT that appears on the Town's Tourism Book!

Fergus and Elora are only a few kilometers from each other but were founded separately. Elora a year older than Fergus. Although they share the same Tourism book, (sensible), it's one of those books that you flip over and the back cover becomes a front cover. One end is Fergus and the other is Elora. I can't help but wonder how they compete against each other in Highland Games? Who can Put the Shot further, or toss the Kaber, "tug-o-war", Haggis Hurling??? (is there such a sport? If not, there should be!)
Canada Post has a post office in each town. I don't know if it owns the buildings or if it leases them from the town. However, as you will see in the image below, they are very similar but definitely not identical.
Have you ever played the sometimes simple and sometimes difficult "spot the difference" puzzles in newspapers or magazines? I find it a must to do them ...... at any skill level.

I keep looking at these from time to time looking for more differences. Sorry, I'm not posting my answers! I don't know if that's my miserly Scottish or my confronting Irish blood refusing to co-operate with answers! ;)
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